Alocasia Cucullata

Alocasia Cucullata also known as Chinese Taro or Hooded dwarf elephant ear. It is an ornamental plant with glossy, dark green, uniquely shaped leaves that grow from the base of the plant. The plant produces large number of leaves which grow straight, but as they grow older they start to hang. Place this plant in a bright lit corner and it will fill the space in no time and provide a vintage vibe. It is a real eye-catcher, transparent and yet styled. Chinese Taro is a clump forming herb, small to medium sized, somewhat robust, up to 1 m, evergreen. Stems are erect, hypogeal, basally much branched. Leaves arise many together; leaf-stalk weakly D-shaped in cross section, 25-30 cm, sheath reaching to about 1/2 way, margins membranous; leaf blade broadly ovate-heart-shaped, 10-40 x 7-28 cm, base shallowly heart-shaped, tip pointed; primary veins 4 on each side, radiating from leaf-stalk, arching, interprimary veins not forming a collective vein. Fruit is rarely produced, a nearly spherical berry, 6-8 mm in diameter, ripening red. It is an important good-luck plant in Buddhist temples in Laos and Thailand.
