The Christmas Palm is also known as Manila Palm, Kerpis Palm, Adonidia Palm, Dwarf Royal Palm, and Veitchia Palm.
The Christmas Palm has a smooth slender grey trunk that is slightly swollen at the base and ringed with old leaf scars.
The Christmas Palm may be used alone or may also be planted in groups of two or three.
Bright green crownshaft supports a crown of 10-12 pinnate, or feather-shaped, fronds. The short crownshaft is about 3ft long.
Leaves are glossy, strongly arched, grow to a length of 5 feet with sharp-edged leaflets that are up to 2 feet long by 2 inches wide.
Moderate to Fast. In the wild Veitchia merrillii is known to grow up to 25ft tall but in cultivation, it usually doesn’t get taller than 10 – 20 ft and 5-10 ft wide.