Travellar Palm

Traveller Palm (Ravenala madagascariensis) with its exceptionally beautiful leaf display would make a great addition to a garden. It will turn any yard into a little slice of paradise.

It has been given the name “traveller palm” because the sheaths of the stems hold rainwater, which supposedly could be used as an emergency drinking supply for needy travellers.

These plants grow to be enormous, with huge leaves sprouting from a long stems in a flat, fan-shaped pattern like a peacock s tail.They are actually members of the bird-of-paradise plant family. The traveller palm is more closely related to the banana tree family than the palm tree one.

-Keep the plant in indirect bright light for better growth of the plant.

-The soil should be well drained and fertile rich in organic content.

-Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
-Water when top soil (1-2 inches) feels dry to touch.
-Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.