Schefflera Variegated

Schefflera variegated belongs to the subtropical areas of Asia and Australia, it grows into a substantial tree when it is in the natural habitat. Schefflera species are wonderfully tropical plants. The larger schefflera features long, shiny, oval green leaves that droop gracefully from a central stalk. A mature schefflera might have 12 or 16 leaflets from a single stalk, while an immature schefflera is more likely to have 4 or 6. Also called the umbrella plant, the schefflera is a popular houseplant because of the beauty of its dark green leaves, which form fingers in a circle. The designs formed on floors and walls in the sunlight lends a pleasing look to a room. Caring for a schefflera is quite simple, and the plant will grow for many years. In the indoor condition, it adapts to a range of temperatures all year round and benefits from a spell outside in summer in a protected spot of shade. The plant has got its name because the leaves appear like spokes of an umbrella. It is a sturdy and impressive indoor plant with variegated and great looking white color in palmate clusters of long streamed green leaves.
