Star Fruit

Star fruit is scientifically known as Averrhoa carambola. It belongs to the family Oxalidaceae. It has many different species, namely, A. dolichocarpa, A.microphylla, A.leucopetala, A.bilimbi and A. carambola. However, A. carambolaismost cultivated and exported species native to southeast Asia. Star fruits are juicy, crunchy and a mixture of slightly sweet and sour tastes. They are usually green when small and unripe and turn yellow when ripen. The name ‘star fruit’ was coined because of the longitudinally stretched ridges of oval-shaped carambola fruit that give the appearance of a star when cut cross-sectionally.

Star fruit contains various nutrients such as vitamins (B1, B2 and C), minerals, and bioactive compounds. It is a good source of fibre and contains cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Star fruit may help with various diseases related to the brain, heart and stomach.
